Baldwin Farms
Diversified Crop and Livestock Production

Baldwin Farms is a two generation father and son family farming operation consisting of Dwight and Cindy Baldwin, and Adam and Kim Baldwin.  Baldwin Farms raises wheat, corn (dryland and irrigated), soybeans (dryland and irrigated), grain sorghum, and alfalfa.  In addition to crop production the Baldwins also do custom farming and run a small cow/calf operation.

Adam is also your McPherson county source for industry leading corn, soybean, alfalfa, and grain sorghum genetics from Channel Seed.

Feel Free to Contact Us

by phone

           Mobile:  Adam (620)-242-3164   Dwight (620)-242-7543          
 Home:  Adam (620)-834-2404   Dwight (620)-241-7997

Or by email:

Or you can just come by the Farm located at 1191 8th Ave, McPherson KS

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